Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Happenings around the garden

My chickens are laying an egg a day, I can't wait until the eggs really start rolling in - frittata, quiche and egg pies yum! They are getting bigger and more bossy - the hen pictured below is "yes dear" or Cybil depending on her attitude. She regularly tries to escape.
I bought a worm farm from Aldi for $49.00, half the price of the same model at Bunnings - so happy I have been wanting one for the past year. My worms are happily chomping away on egg shells from my chickens - I just love that, my Chickens eat greens from the garden provide me with yummy eggs then my  little wormies eat the egg shells and provide a nutrient dense fertilizer for my veggies.
My winter and autumn veggies are getting bigger and most likely I will begin transplanting them this weekend. I ordered row covers for all three of my raised beds. I have a few reasons I decided to splash out - The cabbage whites are filthy buggers and I get sick of picking them off, we get crazy wind in winter and autumn - being on an Island with wind coming off the Bass Straight can wreak havoc on vegetables, thirdly warmth and insulation on chilly winter nights. We don't get frosts but it all helps at the end of the day. In the picture you can see below the seedlings are covered in netting - that's just some cheap stuff I picked up but its keeping the cabbage whites out, just not the slugs (shakes fist at slugs).

Below is a garden guest, welcome any time she would like to come and feast on aphids - there actually haven't been any aphids that I have seen since winter.

Well that's what is happening in my garden at the moment. Have you made any interesting garden related purchases recently or any improvements ?


  1. I too have been coveting worm farms - I will have to check out Aldi - everyone seems to get fab stuff from there but whenever I go I just find weird mirrored jewellery cases.

  2. It can be pretty hit and miss with Aldi - they have some good garden things at the moment (I really wanted the mulcher the were selling) but I would check out your local Aldi - maybe call to see if they have them. I thought they would be sold out for sure but no they had about 30 of them. They are really good quality too, they are the Tumble weed brand rebranded for Aldi and come with every thing you need except the worms. I figure it will pay for itself as I won't have to buy season any more(I hope so anyway).
