Sunday, 27 January 2013

Harvest Monday, 28 January 2013

My garden is still providing us with lots of fresh summer food and I have been busy making pickles, relishes and sauces (as well as the odd jam). Heres whats good in the garden a the moment.

Big Black Russian Toms, yummy I think I will make some turkish bread today and have a BLT.

This is my late planted Big Rainbow, it is absolutely covered in Tomatoes, and heaps of flowers. The seeds are from the Diggers Club who say that one plant can produce 17kg !! I hope so.

These are the pumpkins I have picked. Some people say you should just wait for the vines to die down but these all seemed to be holding the vines back from producing more female flowers, so off they came.

Here is a shot of part of the pumpkin patch, there is now another 2 Australian Butters growing and another 5 or 6 Red Kuri's. We will have plenty of pumpkin for winter use.

Isis Candy is one of my favourite cherry tomatoes, they are sweet and juicy as well as prolific.

The Blue Ballet squash are doing well and the 2 extra plants I added at the end of December have both set their first fruit.

Very excitingly the chook shed was finished, so we are off today to buy some point of lay girls.

Here are my totals for the week.
Zucchini                                 3.160 kl
Tomatoes                                8.560kl
Cucumbers                             1.380 Kl
Sweet Corn                            1.250Kl

According to my spread sheet, from the start of January my garden has produced $695.41 worth of veggies! Crazy.
There was also Basil and parsley that I used to make dips and pesto with but I don't weight those (even though the are about $4.00 per bunch and I probably grabbed a couple of bunches)


  1. Beautiful tomatoes. I love the pumpkin picture, too.

    1. Thanks so much, the tomatoes were very yummy on Turkish bread with Chorizo and some homemade cheese.

  2. Gorgeous looking tomatoes and the pumpkins and winter squashes look great too. The plants look very healthy and productive. Good work on the hen house and yard... that will be a nice home for your flock.

    1. Thanks KitsapFG, I can't wait to get my chookies. We were hoping to get them on Monday but all the feed shops were closed due to Australia Day :). I hope this weekend will see the addition of some plump Isa Brown pullets to the backyard.
